Glenn Richardson
Mr. Richardson is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of New Jersey and North Carolina. He currently serves as the School Business Administrator of the Benjamin Banneker Preparatory Charter School located in Willingboro, NJ.
Mr. Richardson was previously a consultant to SRP Development, a national real estate development company. Mr. Richardson was a member of the development team that helped restore homes in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina devastated most of historic city.
Mr. Richardson’s background includes being the Chief Operating Officer of the Cathedral International, Inc., a 501(c3) organization. He was responsible for the executive management of the organization’s 5,000 membership, administrating a multi-million dollar annual budget and managing 68 employees and a host of volunteers.Prior to his position at the Cathedral, he held several positions at IBM for sixteen years.
Mr. Richardson began his career at IBM’s Real Estate Construction Division where his responsibilities included auditing general contractor’s invoices and reconciling project costs. His last assignment at the IBM Credit Corporation allowed Mr. Richardson to coordinate and install financial systems overseas in Paris, London and Milan.
Mr. Richardson is a graduate of Howard University (B.B.A Accounting) and holds a Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University.Mr. Richardson has a lovely wife, Susan Richardson and five children Kevin, Joshua, Nia, Tiffany and Nicole.